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  • Writer's pictureDamian Brzeski

Milk Bar - So tasty only in Poland

I invite you on a unique culinary journey to Gdańsk, where you will discover one of the most characteristic and iconic places of Polish gastronomy, namely the "milk bar".

This unusual type of restaurant is more than just a place where you can eat, it is a part of Poland's history, culture and heritage. Milk bars, with their roots dating back to 1896, are a symbol of simplicity, home warmth and tradition.

In this article, I will take you on a journey through the five best milk bars in Gdańsk, showing their unique charm, the taste of traditional Polish cuisine and an atmosphere that makes everyone feel at home.

Get ready for a unique culinary experience that will satisfy any foodie looking for an authentic, local experience. Fasten your seat belts, let's start our culinary journey!

Website of the Milk Bar in Gdańsk Śródmieście

What is the Milk Bar?

The milk bar is a unique place on the culinary map of Poland, distinguished by its simplicity, home-made flavors and affordable prices. The history of this type of premises dates back to the end of the 19th century, when in 1896 Stanisław Dłużewski, a dairy farmer and landowner, opened the first such eatery in Warsaw - "Mleczarnia Nadświdrzańska"​.

Milk bars were originally intended to serve vegetarian dishes prepared mainly on the basis of milk, eggs and flour, responding to the needs of people looking for inexpensive but valuable nutrition.

In the early years, milk bars were places where you could drink fresh milk and taste simple but nutritious dishes. The idea for such places was born from a simple need - to provide a healthy and cheap meal, especially for people with limited financial resources.

Over time, they became an integral part of Polish gastronomic culture, and their popularity increased significantly, especially during the Polish People's Republic (PRL).

A characteristic element of milk bars is their menu, which has evolved over the years. The initial dairy dishes gave way to typical Polish cuisine dishes, such as pork chops, minced cutlets, cabbage rolls, dumplings, dumplings, pancakes, potato pancakes, broth or home-made compote​.

It is these traditional, home-made recipes that attract both residents and tourists looking for authentic flavors at an affordable price to milk bars.

One of the most interesting aspects of milk bars were government subsidies for vegetarian dishes. During the Polish People's Republic, milk bars received financial support from the state, which allowed them to offer meals at reduced prices. The aim was to provide access to affordable and nutritious food for wide sections of society.

These subsidies, although not as common today, played a key role in popularizing and maintaining milk bars at a time when they were one of the few food options available to the average citizen.

Milk bars, as a mainly Polish phenomenon, are unique compared to other countries. Although in other places in the world there are similar concepts of cheap public catering, such as "diners". in the USA or "cantinas" in Latin American countries, however, the milk bar with its specific set of features and history is unique. Their essence is to provide traditional, home-made meals at an affordable price, which makes them an important cultural and social element in Poland.

Over the years, milk bars have survived numerous political and economic changes, retaining their place in the hearts of Poles. Their simplicity, traditional character and affordable prices continue to attract both permanent residents and tourists looking for authentic culinary experiences.

The interior of a milk bar in Gdańsk

Delicious and cheap, the best milk bars in Gdańsk

When you walk the streets of Gdańsk, warmed by the sun's rays on the Baltic Sea, there is nothing better than sitting in one of the local milk bars and feeling the taste of real Polish cuisine. In this city, where history intertwines with modernity, milk bars are the culinary heart, offering a wealth of flavors at extremely affordable prices.

In my subjective list, I will present places that not only tempt you with their offer, but also allow you to feel the spirit of real, local Gdańsk. I invite you to discover places where home-made dinners taste like grandma's, and every bite brings joy and satisfaction.

List of Milk Bars in Gdańsk:

Bar Mleczny Stągiewna

  • Address: Stągiewna 15, 80-750 Gdańsk

  • District: Śródmieście

  • Google Rating: 4.2

Milk Bar Długie Ogrody

  • Address: Długie Ogrody 25, 80-754 Gdańsk

  • District: Śródmieście

  • Google Rated 4.3

Tourist Bar

  • Address: Szeroka 810, 80-835 Gdańsk

  • District: Śródmieście

  • Google Rating: 4.4

Bar Mleczny Jaros

  • Address:Jagiellońska 38

  • District: Przymorze Wielkie

  • Google Rated 4.7

Bar Mleczny Kmar

  • Address: Pomorska 84, 80-345 Gdańsk

  • District: Żabianka

  • Google Rating: 4.2

Bar Maciuś

  • Address: Aleja Grunwaldzka 77

  • District: Wrzeszcz Górny

  • Google Rating: 4.7

Bar Syrena

  • Address: al. Grunwaldzka 71, Gdańsk 80-264

  • District: Wrzeszcz Górny

  • Google Rating: 4.3

Bar Bartek

  • Address: Bolesława Chrobrego 57, Gdańsk 80-423

  • District: Wrzeszcz Dolny

  • Google Rating: 4.5

Gdańsk Canteen

  • Address: Długie Ogrody 27, 80-754 Gdańsk

  • District: Śródmieście

  • Google Rating: 4.7


  • Address: Dywizji Wołyńskiej 2, 80-041 Gdańsk

  • District: Chełm

  • Google Rating: 4.5


  • Władysława Cieszyńskiego 1A, 80-809 Gdańsk

  • District: Chełm

  • Google Rating: 4.5

As you can see, this type of restaurant is unique to Polish culture, but at the same time it is extremely interesting and worth recommending to foreign tourists who want to experience real, authentic Polish flavors. But crowds of Polish tourists on vacation are looking for a place where they can eat a normal home-cooked meal without spending a million zlotys. 

Remember that you can save not only on eating in a restaurant, A cheap taxi can also be inexpensive, and at the same time in an ideal location quality, check our price list and see for yourself. So bon appetit and get on your way.

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