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Zbiór ksiażek i przepisów

Terms of Service

półki na książki


  1. of the contract object

    1. Here By contract Executor undertakes according to Ordered orders to provide international passengers carriage, passenger cars transport by means of further on are called transport means , services, further on are called services, established routes and rates ,  the customer undertakes to pay for Provided by the executor services.

    2. Departure place and time combined presenting order.


  1. Parties obligations


  1. Executor commits to:

    1. Ordered desired terms and conditions to provide necessary sitting places number transport tool, corresponding international transportation requirements.

    2. Ensure:

      1. Safe transportation of passengers and their luggage by the Operator's vehicles, regular conveniences in vehicles, and timely elimination of service deficiencies, independently from the causes of these deficiencies;

      2. If the Operator's vehicle breaks down during the trip, immediately, if possible, to submit another, Ordered specified, passengers for transportation suitable transport instrument, notifying the Customer and ensuring that the Customer ordered trip would be fulfilled;


  1. The customer commits to:

    1. According to opportunity what earlier to inform Executor by phone or in writing about the planned transport, indicating the number of passengers, the vehicle according to the number of seats seats, the route of the booked flight, the estimated start time of the flight, the place and the duration of the flight and other passenger transportation conditions;

    2. Notify the Operator about the trip cancellation at least 24 hours in advance. Before the trip beginning Otherwise, the trip is considered to have taken place and the customer must pay agreed the price.

    3. In time to carry out monetary obligations how provided for contract 3 in the section.

    4. Ensure proper passengers behavior the whole travel period.



    2.5.    After travel after checking transport tool and upon detection damaged inventory, done damage shall be reimbursed by the Customer.


  1. Billing order

  1. The customer To the executor for granted international     transportation services pays according to  agreement depending on the route and transported passengers number.

  2. Executor, having performed service, writes out account. The customer for services undertakes pay through 14 calendar days after the order is fulfilled.



  1. Parties responsibility

  1. The party compensates the losses suffered by the other party (ie incurred expenses, loss of property, or lost income) due to the inappropriate performance of the obligations set out in this contract or their non-execution only in the presence of this of the country guilt;

  2. If the customer does not pay on time, he pays the Carrier a late interest of 0.02% of the total indebtedness amounts for every one overdue during the day;

  3. The Party has suffered losses due to the activities carried out by the other Party or has learned about the activities of the other Party non-executed or improperly executed obligations, makes a written demand for losses or injustices and/or due to the performance of contractual obligations. The Guilty Party must not no later than within 10 calendar days from the date of receipt of the written demand, if the Parties will not agree otherwise, to pay to another Country experienced losses and if rectify in the claim specified violations or provide a reasoned statement waiver;

  4. Everyone juridical the fact because of whose alone Parties in the opinion of existing or can to be losses must be documented. All expenses incurred for the confirmation of this fact payment guilty party;



  1. Information submission

  1. Countries ensures their submitted information justice;

  2. Notices, orders, orders and other information of each of the Parties are submitted to the other party has legal force only if it is in writing and approved by the head of the company or signed by authorized persons, except 2.2.1. the orders specified in subsection, which may be are presented by phone;

  3. Notifications, applications, orders and other information of each of the Parties to the other Party, transmits by fax or by e-mail considered in writing;

  4. Written document, sent out registered by letter considered delivered having passed 3 for calendars for days after its dispatch;

  5. The Party receiving the notice, application, order or other information of the other Party must respond to the Party that submitted the relevant document no later than within 5 calendar days from it receiving if what another does not wash from these contract, received document essentially or if Countries will not agree otherwise;

  6. Parties undertakes to notify one to another in writing:

    6.1.    Due to the change of address, bank or other requisites specified in this contract no later than through 7 calendars days from the date of their change;

  • Because of manager, authorized to sign contract and others documents persons powers restriction, suspension or termination no later on how through 7 calendar day s respectively from limiting them, suspension or termination days;

  • Due to the status of the company (reorganization, restructuring, liquidation or bankruptcy in the event of a change no later than within 7 calendar days of their change days;

  • If occurs others important events, having or able to in the future to have influence Countries obligations for execution no later on as in 7 calendar days when they occur;

  • Each one Parties agrees adhere to these contract content and the whole with negotiations related information confidential. This information may be disclosed:

  1. to the courts, law enforcement and to others institutions laws established cases;

  2. With others cases alone from Parties written upon request and others of the country consent.


  1. Others conditions

  1. The rights and obligations of the parties stipulated in this contract are also binding on the successor of their rights (including, but not limited to, bankruptcy, restructuring of the company, the owner, its subordinates, founder, change of shareholders or name).

  2. As it gets more expensive services at cost because of fuel, energy, of spares parts, operational changes in the prices of materials and state taxes, service prices are mutually agreed upon with pronounciation.

  3. For the customer on time without settlement for granted services, Driver have right to terminate provision of services, without being responsible for the resulting consequences and losses, before that by word of mouth or in writing after warning The customer.


  1. of the contract exchange, addition

  1. The Parties agree that changes and additions to this Agreement are valid only for both Parties after signing agreement because of which changes and/or additions.

  2. of the contract changes or additions is inseparable these contract part


  1. of the contract validity

  1. This agreement enters into force from the date of signing and until one of the Parties expresses its desire to terminate

  2. Contract terminates:

    1. Vienna from Parties initiative;

    2. If country, having received others of the country written requirement, does not pay for this Parties would experience losses and/or failure to remedy specified in the claim violations and states the reasoned settlement of this contract 4.3. the procedure provided for in paragraph In this case, the initiating Party contract termination, warns the other Parties in writing because of contract termination no later on how against 5 calendar days and for is not responsible for possible losses;


    1. Obligations according to Ordered money obligations valid until complete their execution.


  1. Disputes solution

  1. The law applicable to this Agreement shall be Polish Law.

  2. Disputes between the Parties and disputes between the Parties with third parties related to this agreement, does not forgive Parties from assumed performance of obligations.


  1. Invincible force:

  1. The parties are released from responsibility for non-fulfillment of the terms of the Agreement, if the Agreement conditions was not are carried out because of invincible power (force force majeure) circumstances and those circumstances emergence to those the deadline for fulfilling the conditions convergence

  2. A party that has experienced force majeure and as a result has failed to fulfill its obligations, must notify the other Party of the onset of such circumstances, stating that they are force majeure force majeure circumstances, due to which the condition was not fulfilled, the onset of such circumstances is foreseen the end, evidence to support such circumstances emergence.

  3. Due to such insurmountable and unforeseen circumstances, the company providing services "Executive" does not answer


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